
In ancient Greece people seeking healing would go to the shrines of Asclepius,
the god of healing, to wait for a dream that would inform their treatment.
The Greek word for dreams is 'onira.'
Today we don't only have dreams for seeking healing.
Today we also have Shiatsu.
And we still have dreams that can be interpreted.

what is shiatsu   shiatsu massage
dream interpretation according to the theory of Carl Jung   dream interpretation
  (online or by phone)
  (online or
  by phone)

In ancient Greece people seeking healing would go to the shrines of Asclepius,
the god of healing, to wait for a dream that would inform their treatment.
The Greek word for dreams is 'onira.'
Today we don't only have dreams for seeking healing.
Today we also have Shiatsu.
And we still have dreams that can be interpreted.

© 2016-20, Artemis Papert
Shiatsu massage therapist
Saint Henri, Montreal